Preparing for
Winter 2025 IBS Courses 

We're looking forward to seeing you in January.  We're committed to creating the best learning environment we can. Our prayer is that God would use these courses to expand your view of God, deepen your understanding of the gospel, strengthen your ability to study and communicate God's word, and fuel your vision to bring Christ to the nations. 

Everything you need to know about Intro to Christian Theology and Bible Study Methods and is posted below. Here's what you can do to prepare: 

  1. Complete this Getting to Know You Survey by January 1, 2025 
  2. For Intro to Christian Theology, download the syllabus and watch the short video posted below. (We would strongly encourage you to finish as much of the ICT reading as possible before classes start.)
  3. For Bible Study Methods, you have pre-course work. There are some readings that are appropriate to complete before the course, but others that should only be read as the course unfolds.
  4. Order your books (listed below)
  5. Note: If you serve with the campus ministry, you are exempt from winter conferences.  

Course Resources: 
Bible Study Methods (BSM)

Course Description (Jocelyn Scott, Rhonda Johnson, and coaching team)

Using the book of Ephesians as a guide, you will learn the skills necessary to open the Scriptures for yourself. You will do this working in small groups along with a coach so you can get practical help along the way.

There are some assignments for this course that need to be completed by January 13. You can find details about those assignments along with a full syllabus, required texts, and links to additional resources in the Bible Study Methods Pre-Course Work and Syllabus doc

Course Resources: 
Intro to Christian Theology (ICT)

Course Description (Dr. Keith Johnson)

Good theology is vital to the life and health of the church.  Theology helps us answer questions like, ‘What is God like?’ ‘How does God speak to us?’ ‘Why did God create the world?’  ‘What does it mean to be human?’ ‘What’s wrong in the world?’ ‘Who is Jesus Christ and what did he do for us?’ ‘What is the good news of the gospel?’  ‘Who is the Holy Spirit?’ ‘What is a church?’ ‘How will God’s story end?’  This course will introduce you to the foundational doctrines of the Christian faith (God, Bible, creation, fall, Christ, Holy Spirit, salvation, Christian growth, Church and future things) affirmed in the Cru Statement of Faith.  Not only will you gain a deeper understanding of these doctrines but you will also discover how these doctrines should practically shape our lives and ministries. 

  • Watch this short welcome video (3 min, available Nov 15) 
  • Download Course Syllabus (available Nov 15)

Amazon Links for Course Texts
Note: You are only reading select portions from these books.  Be sure to consult the course syllabus for specific readings.  The links below are for the "print" versions of these books.  Kindle versions may be available as well.

Required Reading: Articles
(Note: The reading schedule can be found on pp. 5-7 of the course syllabus.  Any article with the phrase "online" after it will be found below.  If it says "notebook," it will be found in the sturctured notes you will receive at registration on site.)

Additional Resources (these will be referenced in class but are not required reading)